Qualitative Research Study
"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."      Proverbs 22:6
A Qualitative Research Study
A study to compare and contrast Kindergarten Readiness

Below you will find a link to a Qualitative Research Study I wrote in Spring 2013.  The purpose of this work was to learn the process of a qualitative research study.  The research aimed to compare and contrast how different schools in Somerset County, New Jersey define "readiness" to establish their policies for Kindergarten readiness.  For those who are working in qualitative research methods, this study may be used as a guide for the process needed to complete a qualitative research study.

If you are a parent or legal guardian ambivalent about the best choice for your child regarding red-shirting or not, this study will provide you with valuable information from both the proponents and opponent of the practice, as well as the pros and cons of giving your Kindergartner additional time to mature physically and socially, or to move forward with attending school on time.

       I built this research by using the works of Deborah Ackerman and Steven Barnett, who present data that promotes red-shirting, in their work, "Prepared for Kindergarten:  What does readiness mean?" As well as the works of Darren Lubotsky who's research oppose the practice, in his work, "Kindergarten Entrance Age and Children's Achievement:  Impact of State Policies, Family Background and Peers.