Life Changing Books
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.     Proverbs 1:5

       The below books are just some I’ve read in the past couple of years.  Some of them were suggested or assigned during my graduate studies, and others I chose to read at my leisure.  I am sharing and recommending these particular books, because they have been the most influential and life changing from a professional, educational and spiritual perspective.


        From helping you to understand how a mindful approach can support people’s differences of learning and assimilating information, to being thoughtful and reflective of your actions so not to engage in oppressive behaviors towards others, these books will provide you with all that and much more! 


       From considering the importance of deep reflection on the true meaning and importance of life, and how to live it courageously with all your gifts of imperfections, these books will be a blessing for you! So, I urge you to take some time for yourself, and feast on the wisdom these books will provide you.

Ana Victoria

"For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you"
Proverbs 2:10-11