A Little About Me
"If you devote yourself to serving others, you will discover what it means to be respected and honored."      ABS

It would be impossible for me to say anything about myself, without including my family. Giovanni, my husband, my rock, and my very best friend.  He is the one who encouraged me to further my education, and focus my priorities.  The curly hair girl is Zoe Victoria, my daughter, and my inspiration to do it all.  She keeps me going at a steadfast pace, and fills my spirit with strength.  Finally, the boy with the winning smile is my son Roberto Isaias.   Can you believe that I wake up every morning to see that smile?  How lucky can a woman be?   There is nothing more fulfilling than to receive compliments from such a handsome little man.  He fills my days with joy and laughter, even in the worse times!

These are the people behind my scenes.  These are the people I work for, sacrifice for, and build my dreams and future for.  I could have shared just a little about me, but you see, most about me, is all about them!

Ana Victoria